Prior to this week, we spent time finding recipes for our cooking items and made/sent beautiful invitations to our guests. We invite other classrooms of students and teachers, along with school administration.
Monday: GROCERY SHOPPING is our focus for this day. In Morning Group, we complete a very challenging activity. We take our HUGE list of Thanksgiving grocery items and categorize them by grocery departments. Next, as Monday is our usual day to grocery shop, then we head into the store with monster lists, including items both for our Thanksgiving AND our usual lunch preparations. Whew!
Tuesday: In morning group, we study our recipes for the week and answer comprehension questions about the recipes: how many people does this recipe serve? What temperature should we preheat the oven on that recipe? How many cans of Green beans for this? Two groups of students work in kitchen today with two students to one staff for each group. One group follows a recipe to prepare Green Bean Casserole and the other follows a recipe to make Crockpot Apple Sauce. Our third group rides the city bus to HyVee, our local grocery store, where they complete an activity of price comparison to see what is cheaper, purchasing already made product (Stovetop stuffing) or making it from scratch.
Wednesday: Our focus in morning group is Thanksgiving Math. We solve math problems focused around our Thanksgiving preparations. This includes determining how long our 21 pound turkey needs to cook and doubling a recipe. Two groups are in the kitchen again. One prepares the stuffing, the other prepares the mashed potatoes. Another groups heads to HyVee on the City Bus.
Friday: The day we have all been working for. Morning group is spent reviewing social skills...expected and unexpected behaviors and putting together a schedule of our days. From there the final preparations begin. We have notecards with all the necessary tasks written out. We start by assigning each student with a task from these cards. As they complete that task, they take another card and begin another task. This is a process that has made these last minute preparations so much easier, as I don't feel like I have to spend the morning figuring out ways to keep kids busy, and what needs to be done next. It is all there on a "timeline" in front of me. Next year, I would like to provide a written task list for each card glued to the back, to help our students (who can) complete each step with that much more independence. We only reheat our food items the day of...nothing requires full cooking. This helps to ensure that everything is done by the time our guests arrive. And when the guests arrive, the fun begins and all the hard work throughout the week pays off. I usually step back and watch the students, glowing with pride, share with their guests all the hard work they did all week...SO COOL!
When all the guests have left, and the dishes are clean, we give the kids some free ;) I sit down with my staff and we reflect on the day. We make notes of what food had the most leftovers, what time did guests start arriving and what time did the last guest leave, what worked, what didn't work...all noted and put in our Thanksgiving binder for next year.
The idea of hosting a Thanksgiving was one I was exposed to in one of my student teaching placements...the placement that changed my life and exposed me to the world of Transition. It is A LOT of work, and sometimes I think my staff wants to kill me for making them do all this, but in the end, when we watch our students float with guests and share memories from previous Thanksgivings; when I see the pride in their eyes, its all worth it, and I begin counting the days to the next Transition Thanksgiving.
What do you think?!? Do you want to host your very own Transition Thanksgiving?
Come to the edge with me...