Thursday, November 7, 2013

Transition Thankfulness

The month of November is upon us and all across social media people are sharing one thing they are thankful for through the entire month.  Do not worry my fellow educators, I am not about to embark on that long of a thankful journey.  This did, however, get my wheels turning.  What am I, as a teacher of transition, thankful for?  I have narrowed it down to 5.  Drum roll please...

#5. VELCRO.  What would the world of Special Education be without this handy tool?  How would we quickly change and individualize schedules, routines, checklists, reinforcement systems, and a slew of other things for each student to help them be successful across their school environments?  I know I use velcro multiple times across one day in my own special education classroom and often joke that if I wanted to make money, I should have invested in a velcro company!!!

#4. TECHNOLOGY.  I have only been in the world of teaching for 7 years now, but in that short amount of time I have seen such a growth in technology and students access to technology.  This has dramatically impacted students in the realm of special education, allowing for things to be adjusted and individualized for their individual needs at a moments notice.  We are fortunate to have 5 iPads in our classroom, and this has been such a gift for our students.  Opportunities to provide immediate feedback through video modeling, electronic schedules, personal communication systems, the list is endless.  I cannot wait to see how technology expands in my next 7 years of teaching!

#3. SUPPORTIVE FAMILIES.  The time of transitioning from the school world to the adult world is a very difficult journey for many students and their families.  It is a time of drastic changes, lessening of supports, and a lot of uncertainties.  This whole process becomes much easier when families are supportive of Transitioning programming and what is being done in the classroom and at school.  I have been fortunate to work with many supportive families throughout my years teaching in a Transition based program.

#2. A TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS AND SUPPORTS.  It takes a village in special education, especially as students prepare to transition into the adult world.  I have the privilege to work with countless amazing paraprofessionals/job coaches, autism consultants, behavior analysts, OTs, SLPs, administrators; all who have the drive to provide services that help our students gain independence and take the steps toward happy and fulfilling lives.

#1. AN ACCEPTING COMMUNITY. In my time in this position I continue to be amazed by the openess and support we find from complete strangers in our everyday community.  The lady who carefully puts all of our groceries evenly into 7 bags so everyone has something to carry.  The tour guides at local libraries, museums, banks, grocery stores, fire stations, farms, etc who interact with our students comfortably, speak to them so they understand, but don't talk down or belittle them.  The gentleman who welcomed us into his vocational establishment and reminded me, "not only are your students here to learn vocational skills, they are hear to teach the public acceptance."  That statement changed me and the way I approached learning opportunities for our students while in the community.  Its our community and we plan to take full advantage of that.

I am so thankful for my job each day.  It is a challenge and a gift all in one.  I learn from my students and their drive and charisma every day. 

What are you thankful in your Transition classroom?

Come to the edge with me...

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