This year, I will take a leap right along with my students. I will be leaving what I know, love, and find so comfortable, to try something new. Throughout the past few months I have been taking the steps and preparing for this transition, but as I step close to the edge, ready to take the leap myself, I now see and feel why it is so hard and so scary.
After 6 years in this job I will be moving and taking on a new role next fall. My new role will look very much the same. I will still be focused on providing supports and services for students as they grow older and prepare to leave school and venture into the adult world. I will still be providing instruction in the community...just this time in a new community. One that is closer to my family and friends that I grew up with. In my time in my current position I have gained so much and established a strong foundation of my educational beliefs and my approach to teaching. I have had opportunities and experiences that most would not encounter in a life time of teaching and working. And because of that, I want to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you to those who made those opportunities and experiences possible, to those who worked along side me, helping to build and grow hard working young adults AND a transition program that I think is quite fantastic (but I am quite biased). Thank you to my students, past and present. Each and every one of you has changed me as both a teacher and a person. I am so glad I was able to be a part of your journey! To the families, thank you for your honesty, vulnerability, and willingness to take risks and allow your child to take risks too!
Now...inching closer to the edge with each passing school day, I carry the knowledge and strength I have gained from my time at the PrairieWood Transition Center and
I am ready to leap into the unknown, right along with my students, and start the next adventure of life.
Enjoy your summer! Tune in next fall as I embark on a new community and prepare more young people to come to the edge!
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